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Bredfield Village Hall News
At the end of the Village Hall Car Park
is a new post
to commemorate
the Coronation of King Charles III
The post is also the starting point
for the 3 village walks
(copies of the walk leaflet are available in the shop)
There is also a QR code on the post
to download the walks information
The crown and post were designed by Hilary Harker.
The post was paid for by the
Parish Council and a grant from Suffolk County Council
At 9am on Saturday 6th May 2023 the Village Hall opened it's doors - the bunting was up, the children's Coronation Mugs awaited collection, the bacon butties were being made, the teas and coffees were ready and the bar was open. Everything was ready for the big day - the TV link was set up and the picture looked great on the big screen.
At 11am there was a hush in the hall and we all settled down to watch the ceremony together. A few tears were shed along the way as we watched the start of the new Carolean Age. As the new King and Queen returned to Buckingham Palace, Bredfield raised a glass of Mr D'Arcy's fizz to the King. The Bellringers rushed off to the church and rang the bells in celebration whilst everyone else rushed home to collect their dishes for the sharing lunch - and there was plenty of it.
As well as all of this there was on display the crown, designed by Hilary Harker, which will sit on top of a beautiful oak post to mark the start of the new Bredfield walks and commemorate the Coronation. This will be erected at the bottom of the car park in the near future. This was paid for by the Parish Council and a grant from Suffolk County Council.
Thank you to everyone who helped organise the day, especially, Lynn Taylor, Chris & Yvonne Woods and Geoff Spain. Thank you to all the other helpers who put up and took down bunting, set up and put away tables and chairs, blew up balloons, washed dishes and helped run the bar. This really is the best small village in Suffolk!!
Village Hall Starts Using Green Energy
Solar panels installed on both sides of the Village Hall roof have been generating electricity since September. The system was designed and installed by Ivy Solar and uses batteries to balance out the fluctuations between the electricity generated and used; as a result all the power is used on-site, mostly in the Village Shop.
Funding for the system came from the District and County Councils, the Village Shop, Bredfield Townlands Charity and the Hall's funds. We will be monitoring how much electricty is generated over the coming year to quantify the savings in carbon produced and expenditure by the Hall and the Shop.
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