Bredfield Village Hall is a Registered Charity (304714), run and maintained by Trustees, for the benefit of the residents of Bredfield and its environs. Its status arises from and is defined by a Trust Deed dated 5 April 1949 in which William
Kenneth Richardson conveyed a four acre field to the original two Trustees. The Charity is considered as covering both the activities,

within, and on behalf of Bredfield Village Hall and the land comprising the Trust premises described in the Trust Deed.
The Charity is to maintain and provide a Hall and associated Playing Field for the use of the inhabitants of the Parish and its immediate vicinity without distinction of political,  religious or other opinions etc., to advance education and provide facilities in the nterest of social welfare for recreational and leisure time activities with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants.
The Charity is managed and administered by a Committee of Management, to act as the Charity Trustees within the meaning of Section 46 of the Charities Act 1960.

The following members comprise the Committee:


Chair – Anne Henderson
Secretary – David Harker
Treasurer – Stephen Cook
Booking Secretary – Tony Bence


Appointed Members of Organisations:
Bowls Club – Chris Norman
Parish Council – David Hepper

Parochial Church Council - Paul Cannard

Village Shop - David Hepper


Users Representatives

Play Area - Stephen Seargeant

Playing Field - Matthew Blowers

Tennis Courts - Stephen Seargeant

Co-opted members:

Tim Dean, Chris Woods



The Village Hall Management Commitee adopted a formal document in 2015 to describe the Constitutional basis for the Trust and the Governance by which it is managed.  The final part of the document defines the Operating Procedures that apply to the management and maintenance of the Hall and the Playing Field.  The document is revised each year after the Annual General Meeting.  The current version V9 can be opened here  BVH Constitution, Governance and Procedures V11.1 June 24



The Village Hall Management Committee (VHMC) holds its Annual General Meeting in April each year at which all of the Trustees resign and a new Committee is established.  The meeting is open to the community who can comment on the reports for the year, seek to join the Committee, or discuss matters with the Committee afterwards over refreshments. 


The new Committee then normally meets 3 times a year in April, August and December to review the management of the Hall and the Playing Field and plans for maintenance, development and fundraising and entertainment, which are progressed by sub-committees.


Links to Meetings:

Minutes of meeting 15 August 2023

Minutes of Meeting 12 December 2023

Minutes of AGM 19 April 2024

Minutes of Meeting 30 April 2024